Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fire Pants

I live a good 15-20 minutes away from my retail job if walking by foot. I live in a relatively large city, where there are apparently hobos, muggers, and creepers waiting to go a-murderin'. It's like their Christmas present, intestines.

Our hours are from 9 am to 11 pm every day. At night, the closers do not leave until at least midnight, occasionally being forced to stay for at late as 3 am. I never seem to go home during the day. Guys, I am far too poor to buy gas all the time. This is why I walk. Also, by "poor" I mean "I want video games, so I'll only eat ramen and never buy gas."
seriously, I don't know why they panic.

While money is a hideously important factor as to why I walk, I also walk because I get some of my most interesting ideas because of my constant need to talk to myself. I can't do this at work or at home (because people tend to look at me like I'm crazy), and driving doesn't give me enough time.

There is a chance I meant "most retarded ideas."
This is only my most recent discovery. It's only thirty-something degrees and I've been walking for 5 minutes before this idea sets in. My upper body is warm, my feets are cozy, but my legs man... They feel like if I were to trip, they'd shatter because my blood froze. 

Note: I live in Louisiana. I am almost positive that by December, it's snow-worthy in most places.

I cannot help but feel mildly retarded after knowing this is really what I thought.

This idea is like most presidental elections. A good idea on paper, but once it's happened, you are thoroughly fucked.

I only realized this would happen once I got home and played some WoW.

In conclusion, I have written a letter to my brain. Mainly, the logical part that clearly is on strike.

Dear Brain,
     Why would you think pants being on fire would not set the rest of us on fire? I am not entirely sure if it is because you are just being lazy, or feeling unappreciated, but I know you were not always like this. Why, for several years, you continued to guide and protect me from myself. For instance, that one time I thought hiding in a pillowcase and letting my brothers sit on me... That was a lesson from you, to me. After that, you constantly reminded me of potential failures. I miss you sometimes, and wish you would do your job, like the rest of my body. And if it's more appreciation that you want, I will take a whole day off of everything just for you.

I don't know why my brain is emo. Also, I can't draw brains.

P.S. I did buy the Cataclysm expansion for World of Warcraft, but I can't log on to my server, 'cause it's full. XD That's why you get a post about fire pants.

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