Monday, December 20, 2010


I usually have really good ideas at night. When I'm about to go to bed. Or when I'm just too tired to really do anything other than just lie there.
The ultimate lazy - I can't even chew my own cookies

While I'm in a comatose-ish state of being, I almost have a wonderful idea or a hilarious thought. Half of me goes "I should really write that down!" or "I should buy a recorder and just record what I say.
For some reason, I can't seem to get my words right when I say them.
Thank you for that look and explanation, roommate.

Unfortunately, the lazier and more dominant side of me goes "FUCK YOU WE WILL REMEMBER THIS. What, do you think I have alzh-who are you?"
Early onset of Alzheimer's. The forget-y illness thing.

But I never do. I fall asleep and that is the end of that story.

I wake up, and hours later, I feel a deep sense of shame and regret. I'm telling everyone "I should have written it down."
They they ask "written what down?"
me: ".. ._. I DON'T KNOW. That's why I should have written it dooown!" and I begin sobbing uncontrollably.
Regret: easily solved with a shotgun to the face.

Okay that was a lie. I don't sob. Or cry. But I do feel disappointed.

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